
Meadow Crest Parochial School

Name: Meadow Crest Parochial School
BSID: 883126
Status: active
Open Date: Sep 01, 2020

Language of Instruction: English
Level: Elementary
School Type: Private Non-Inspected
Program Type: Site based only
Grade Range: 1-8
Semester type: Non-Semestered
Special Conditions Code: Not applicable
OSSD Continuous Intake: False

Number Of Teachers: <10
Teachers with OCT: <10

Affiliations: Mennonite
Association: Orthodox Mennonite Parochial Schools

Region: West Region

Address: 927 Statters Lake Avenue, RR 1
City: Holyrood
Postal Code: N0G2B0

Principal Name: Martha Weber
Principal Start Date: Sep 01, 2021

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Latest Google Reviews

Meadow Crest Parochial School

29 Feb, 2024

” Cool place, lots of different people to get to know. Look forward to the expansion that is being planned although I probably would have graduated by time it is finished. (P.S. Join the badminton team and my chess CAS) “

Ryan Lee
22 Jan, 2024

” I intend to change this place. I probably will get in trouble for this, but this school is a dictatorship. Stay away, tuition is currently around 30k. “

Wayne Liu
29 Dec, 2023

” The school is fine. Some good things are some of the teachers, the stuff you learn is fine but it can get hard when your older, and the campus is quite nice. Some not so good things are that the tuition may be a bit pricey, so is the cafeteria and uniform. The gym could get an upgrade. But overall, if you got the money this school would be a good substitution for a public school. “

Simar Brar
11 Sep, 2023

” I just in rolled my kids into this school and everyday when I pick them up from school they always have a smile on their faces and when I ask them how was their day they always say that it was great and how their teachers are super nice. I really recommend putting your child into this school 👍 “

Blue Phoenix
07 May, 2023

” Hello Meadowridge School, It’s quite difficult to summarize my entire school life in a mere review. It was the best of times, the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom and foolishness. Those are the words that I would best describe the school that I have developed such fond memories of. It has always been difficult to process the fact that I’m leaving in a couple days. Thank you for everything that you have done to me, and I deeply do appreciate it. The teachers are world class and have given me support throughout my entire journey here. The school motto itself can’t even describe the school yet I do humbly believe that this school demonstrates that individuals “live well for others with others in a just community”. I’ve been in this school for the past 10 years (since grade 2) and through my experience of PYP, MYP, and DP it is safe to assume that I would cherish this experience forever. Thank you again -Jasper Edit: Thank you for your kind reply and words. I will miss this school as it has always felt like a second home. I’ll make sure to keep in touch and hopefully visit Meadowridge whenever I can. Thank you again -Jasper “


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